Monday 31 March 2014



These are the two stairs i developed from the sections:

For Blumenthal:
 For Steinway and sons. 

Sunday 30 March 2014




The textures were a difficult task as one word can have so many different connotations or linked visuals to choose from. By the end of it i finally had 36 textures, categorised into the three groups (above, middle, below) each being a reflection of where it could be used and the materiality of where it was used. Each texture was expressive of what kind of material it was going to represent. 

Friday 28 March 2014




The following are quick sketches of stair sections. When designing these stairs, i had in mind the entrance, its relationship to its functionality and how it would compliment each other. Through, Blumenthal's stairs, I was exploring more of a grand entrance. However a grand entry would be more effective with Blumenthal coming down the stairs. In my design, he is expected to be going upstairs. Regardless, the light stairs, lacking in balustrades, and holding a sense of elegance, caters to his needs for presentation and delivery of his foods. For Blumenthal's stairs safety is a concern, so the supports have been extended for only a slight support. In this case, the aesthetic side and the general functionality was more important and relevant  to this project. The Steinway and Son's Stairs were concerned more with functionality and  finding a way to effectively and stylistically transport the piano downstairs as well as the clients. These stairs both had a more heavy design, expected to be made of concrete. This way the first one caters to the bulkiness of the fully constructed pianos and at the same time is transported with elegance as it is lowered through a glass cylindrical lift. The second staircase for the piano does nor efficiently cater for the piano itself as it has no simple system to transport it and is just a regular staircase. Its only functionality comes from it, is for the clients themselves to visit the exhibition. 


Monday 24 March 2014




This is my first sketch up design. This was more of an experimentation with trying to see what kind of shapes i could make and how I could create a relationship between them. Something i missed out on this design was the underground component as well as the three levels specified for their needs. Since this design didn't exactly meet the criteria, I decided not to continue with it and am not going to use it for the final design. In this design, i found it difficult to control proportions as well as intersections. The complexity of the design did not exactly meet what i had in mind. Never the less, it was a good start for experimenting, learning and drafting.

Wednesday 19 March 2014


The following are scans of the 18 sketches I did of sections.

Client 1: Steinway
Noun: Framework
Verb: Assemble
Adjective: Skeletal

Client 2: Heisten Blumenthal
Noun: reflection
Verb: devour
Adjective: Celestial

Evaluation: When I had chosen my three words, I was unaware of this activity. My words were quite specific and so at times I found it challenging to translate the words into sections. Many of my sketches were very similar, especially when it came to trying to depict, 'framework' and 'celestial'. However, these were the two words that I found of most relevant in creating sections to engage with the clients work. 



  • Building Pianos/ Framework
  • Displaying Pianos
  • Storage for Finer parts
  • Polishing and refurbishment
  • Meeting clients and selling pianos


  • Experimentation
  • Storage of food/ chemicals
  • Displaying food
  • Cooking
  • Dining area


  • Showcase Motorbikes
  • Building and Framwork
  • Transportation 
  • Storage of parts
  • Selling the bikes